Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday, November 17th, 2011

Morning Weight: No Weigh in

Exercise: 4.25 mile run. We completed this run in 50 minutes, which is about a 12 minute mile. Which I am pretty impressed with, considering I have just started running again for the first time in a long time. We did a combination of walking and running around the downtown area.


Breakfast - Oatmeal with Nuts from Starbucks: 4 points/6 grams of sugar
Tall Non-fat latte: 2 points/16 grams of sugar

Snack - Banana: 2 points/28 grams of sugar

Lunch - El Ranch Salad from Spicy Pickle without corn: 4 points/5 grams of sugar

Snack -


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