Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday December 6, 2010

Morning Weight = No weigh in.  I am avoiding the scale.  Not good.

Exercise = 4.0 mile run 45:25:
Mile 1: 10:03
Mile 2: 10:48
Mile 3: 13:06
Mile 4: 11:28


Breakfast = Banana 2 points

Lunch = Chicken and Broccoli 3 Points

Snack = Chex Mix = 2 Points

Dinner = 1 piece chicken - skinless 3 points
                Green beans - 1 point

I did a lot of snacking that I cant really track.  So even though it looks like I ate really well, I probably did worse than I think.  I have to work on keeping the snacking under control.

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